Launched in 2015
The Farmer First Policy is Kannavarai's cornerstone social responsibility initiative. This comprehensive program was designed to empower our farmers and promote quality tea cultivation.
Key Pillars of the Farmer First Policy
Premium Pricing
We offer a consistent premium price for high-quality green leaf, significantly exceeding market rates. In the past year (2023-2024), we paid a premium of 33 Rs/Kg for A-class leaf - 25-35% greater than the average market price.
Agricultural Guidance
We provide expert guidance on best agricultural practices and estate maintenance practises, including sustainable farming techniques and quality control measures.
Community Development
We have facilitated the formation of farmer societies and organizations, enabling them to access government schemes under the Tea Board of India and maximize benefits.
Resource Support
We assist farmers by sourcing and supplying high-quality fertilizers along with estate pruning and maintenance services.
Financial Assistance
We provide financial support through cash advances, ensuring timely access to funds.
What's the result?
Improved Leaf Quality
Farmers have increasingly adopted fine leaf harvesting techniques, recognizing the direct correlation between quality and higher earnings.
Sustainable Tea Production
The program has fostered sustainable tea production by promoting best practices, improving estate health, estate yields, and supporting farmer livelihoods.
Enhanced Farmer Livelihoods
The consistent premium pricing has significantly improved farmer incomes and provided greater financial security. Farmers were guaranteed the premium rate throughout the year for quality produce regardless of the green leaf market fluctuations, reassuring their returns and encouraging further investment in their estates.
Looking Ahead
Driven by the growing demand for Kannavarai tea, we are expanding the Farmer First Policy to the greater Nilgiris area as the Farmer Revolution. This expansion will ensure continued access to high-quality green leaf while maintaining our commitment to fair prices and supporting the livelihoods of our farming communities.